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2019 Fall Yummy Yummy Dumpling Night


On Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, the Southwest University (SWU) and Soochow University (SU) 2019 Cohort teacher candidates hosted a dumpling night for their University of Windsor (UW) buddies and the new first year UW teacher candidates that will be going to China in the spring of 2020.  Everyone enjoyed the process of making traditional Chinese food and both sides shared their experience in cooking. Through cooperation in making dumplings, Chinese and Canadian students know more about each other and the food culture in Canada and China. It was a beautiful night full of dumpling favor and laughter.


2019年11月2日,温莎大学职前教师积极报名参加了西南大学和苏州大学同学主办的“饺子之夜”。在Canterbury College学生宿舍,加拿大的同学在中国学生的帮助下第一次尝试包饺子。厨房一片热火朝天的景象,大家边包饺子边聊加拿大与中国的食物文化。最后大家一起享受了共同制作的美味水饺,在这个过程中也增进了彼此的友谊和了解。